If Your Significant Other Proposes To You On The Plane As You Are Coming Out Of The Bathroom You Have To Say No

I need to know what goes through people's heads when they pull a stunt like this. Going to the bathroom in a plane is one of the worst times you can have in your life. No one wants to do it. Just the simple action of getting out of your row is enough to hold it in until you land. 

It's even worse if you have to go number two because everyone seated nearby is going to know what you just did. The anxiety built up if you take your sweet time in there is enormous if you get out and there's like three people waiting. It's even worse if they're serving drinks or snacks in the aisle and you have to figure out a way by the flight attendant. When you watch the video you see he's waiting kind of a little for her to come out. If she was having stomach problems this could have gone south. 

Before you propose I imagine you talk out your plan to a few people just to make sure you're not crazy. Either that didn't happen here or this person has the worst friends ever. 

When people go on a flight I promise you that all they want to do is watch a half way decent movie and get from point A to Point B without any interruptions. Maybe a little snooze mixed in if they're able to pass out. Adding a proposal to a flight is just an unnecessary move. I'm usually just like whatever makes people happy do that, but there's no way the girl liked this. You also don't dress nicely for a plane usually you are in the comfiest clothes you can find. Also after you propose ideally you go somewhere fun and celebrate. Here you just sit back down on your cramped flight. I find this whole thing to be a disaster. 

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